Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fruit from Heaven 源自天堂的水果
Gac SuperFruit Blend with Lipocarotenes 

The g3 superfruit blend formula was developed with Gac Fruit and three aditional super fruits - Chinese Lycium, Siberian Pineapple, and Cili Fruit - that synergistically provide exponential benefits of antioxidant protection and general well being. And interestingly, g3 was named "G + 3" because it is made up of Gac (the key superfruit) + 3 others superfruits.
g3活能饮品藴含枸杞, 刺梨及沙棘果三种超级水果, 再配合木鳖果, 有效维持身体抗氧化能力以及整体健康. 有趣的是, g3被命名"G + 3" 就因为Gac木鳖果(主要水果) + 其他三种超级水果制造而成.

Main Ingredient
1. Key Super Fruit : Gac Fruit 
    主要超级水果   : 木鳖果
Gac Fruit is considered a "Fruit from heaven" because of its much higher concentrations of beta-carontene and lycopene than conventional fruits and vegetables.
木鳖果有"天堂的水果"之称, 科学家深入研究后发现, 木鳖果中含有极高浓度的类胡萝卜素, 尤其是胡萝卜素和茄红素, 含量比一般常见的水果和蔬菜来得高.

2. Super Fruit 1 : Chinese Lycium
    超级水果一  : 中国枸杞
Chinese Lycium contains powerful antioxidants like flavonoids, more beta-carotene than carrots, and vitamin C. It is rich in Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and E, as well as amino acids, polysaccharides, and fatty acids. Lycium is amazingly rich in zeaxanthin, a carotenoid necessary to protect eye health.
枸杞的营养素包含类黄酮, 胡萝卜素和维生素C, A, B1, B2, B6, E, 此外还有氨基酸, 多醣和脂肪酸. 枸杞中的玉米黄素尤其丰富(比黄鱼米多40倍), 玉米黄素也是保护我们眼睛健康的必要类胡萝卜素.

3. Super Fruit 2 : Siberian Pineapple
    超级水果二  : 沙棘果
In the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Siberian Pineapple is recognized for the following properties: aids digestion, promote stamina & vitality and promoting health. The berries of Siberian Pineapple appear to be an unsurpassed natural source of carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamin C and flavonoids. They are also rich in several other vitamins, including B1, B2 and vitamin K. Furthermore, the berries have a remarkably high content of essential fatty acids and phytosterols.
在中国医学文献中的记载, 具帮助消化, 增强体力, 延年益寿的效果. 其果莓是绝佳的类胡萝卜素, 生育酚, 维生素C和类黄酮的天然来源, 此外也富含多种其他维生素, 包括维生素B1, B2和K及必要脂肪酸和植物固醇.

4. Super Fruit 3 : Cili Fruit
    超级水果三  : 刺梨
Cili Fruit contains 25mg/g Vitamin C which is 60 times more than oranges! Cili Fruit is thus known as the "King of Vitamin C".
刺梨含有丰富的维生素C (每公克中含有25毫克), 刺梨中的维生素C含量是柳橙的60倍, 因此有"维生素C之王"的称号.

Nowadays, most people do not consume enough fruits and vegatables. It would be desirable to add fruits, vegetables and supplements that contain very high levels of these nutrients to the diet.
在现在的社会, 多数人吃不够蔬菜水果. 这会帮你增加水果, 蔬菜和营养补充品的摄取, 可补充大部分饮食中营养不足的问题.

Do you know?
1 G3 Juice  =  70 Tomato
1瓶G3饮品 = 70 番茄

 = 70 x 

1. Promote eye health - Myophia , Hyperopia , Presbyopia, Glaucoma, Night Blindness and etc.
    促进眼睛的健康 - 近视, 远视, 老花眼, 青光眼, 夜盲症等等.

2. Supports healthy immune function 

3. Improves Skin Catenoid Score and Provides body antioxidant protection.

4. Improves Heart Function - to promote blood circulation, and avoid the risk of heart disease.
    提升心脏功能 - 促进血液循环, 避免心脏病的风险.

5. Help in digestive system - to eliminate loss of appetite, solve the problem of Constipation, detoxification and smooth.
   帮助消化系统良好 - 消除食欲不振, 解决便秘问题,排毒顺畅.

6. Prevent Stroke, reduce Cholesterol and high blood pressure.  
    避免脑中风, 减低胆固醇及高血压.

7. Lighten acne, dark spots, cuts and burns.
    淡化暗疮, 黑斑, 刀伤及烫伤

Extra Tips : My Girlfriend was often suffering from sore throat, about every two weeks. She loves spicy foods so much but worried about sore throat, so she wanted to quit. But since she drank g3, sore throat was reduced! Now she is not afraid to eat more spicy foods. I believe many people same like her right? Why not you start drink g3 Super Fruit Blend?
我女友以前很容易发热气, 时常喉咙痛, 大概每隔两星期就痛一次. 她很爱吃辣的食物但又怕喉咙痛, 所以她就想戒掉. 但自从她喝了g3, 喉咙痛的次数减少了, 现在她也不怕吃多辣的食物会发热气了. 相信很多人也像她吧? 那么就来试试g3超级活能饮品吧! 

Taste 味道
Delicious, enjoyed by adults and children. Some people say that it taste like strawberry juice, but some people say that it taste like Vitagen! Haha.
美味可口,满足成人及孩童的口味. 一些人说这味道像是草莓汁, 但有些人认为这味道像是维他精! 哈哈.

Product Suitability 适用对象
g3 is a delicious and nutritious drink which has a refreshing flavor and can be enjoyed daily by everyone in the family from 9 months to 99 years old.
g3口味清新, 美味可口, 是适合全家 - 9个月的婴儿至99岁的长者 - 每天饮用的营养饮品.

Testimonials 见证
1. Ang Wui Lee 洪慧丽 (Businesswoman 商人)
    "Sore Throat No More!" "告别喉咙不适"
I experience a sore throat  very easily, especially when I do not have enough rest and I eat too much fried or barbequed food. This would often lead to coughs and colds, Since I started taking g3, I stop having sore throat problems even after eating fried food! 
One thing I noticed is that whenever one feels a sore throat is about to strike, just drink g3 - plenty of it! The symptoms will subside. No more sore throat!
以前, 我经常都会告绝喉咙痛. 尤其当我在没有充足睡眠或吃下过多的煎炸食物后, 便很容易的感染上感冒和咳嗽. 自从我开始服用g3后, 我的身体健康多了. 就算是吃了煎炸食物, 也不会再出现喉咙疼痛的问题了.
同时, 我也察觉到, 无论是谁, 一旦发现将快要感染上喉咙痛时, 马上饮用多杯的g3, 便可避免病痛产生. 喉咙不适? 再会了!

2. Chua Kian Guan ( Retiree 退休人士)
    "Eye Sight Improved!" "视力改善了!"
In June, I was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, a condition that requires immediate surgery. Diabetic retinopathy, which is caused by diabetes, can lead to severe vision loss or even blindness. I was devastated by the news, but remained adamant that I would not go for surgery. Instead, I chose an alternative method.
A visit to my doctor recently brought surprisng results. To my amazement, the test results showed that my vision has improved! I was ecsatic! My secret - I have finished my third bottle of g3 before I went for the check up!
今年6月, 我被诊断出患上糖尿病视网膜症 (因糖尿病引起局部失明), 需要立刻动手术. 我非常震惊, 可是却不愿意进行手术.
几天前, 我回去给医生检验时, 出乎意料之外, 医生告诉我眼睛已经没事了, 不需要动手术. 我相信秘诀是g3, 因为我在还没有回去检验之前已喝了3瓶g3!

3. Marcella Tanzil (Businesswoman 职业妇女)
   "Gastrointestinal problem solved!" "解除胃肠问题"
g3 gives fantastic benefits to children. My kid has been having gastrointestinal problems since he was an infant. After taking g3 everyday, his gastrointestinal concern is no longer a problem. The price is reasonable considering the excellent grade and quality of g3. g3 has really given extraordinary benfits to my kid.
g3可以为孩子们带来惊人的功效. 我的孩子从小就患有先天性胃肠问题. 在服用了g3后, 他的胃肠问题已经不再困扰他了. 这价格合理的优质饮品为我的小孩提供了非凡的功效!

Price 价钱 (Offer Price)
1 Box (2 bottle) - RM280.00
2 Box (4 bottle) - RM480.00


Bring the Health to You ,
Your family and Your Lover Life!

If you have any inquiry, question or pricing, please leave a comment here.
如你想知道更多详情,问题与价钱, 请留下你的留言 . 
I'm prefer you to call my contact number so that I can know your problem clearly .
我会提议你联络我的电话号码, 那么我就会更明白清楚了解你的问题所在.

My Contact Details:
Name / 名字 : Tang
Contact Number / 联络号码 : 016-9104428
E-mail Address / 电邮地址  : tklcrime@hotmail.com 

Remarks 注意:
For those who are staying in KL and PJ, I will send the product to your house  and guide you how to use after purchase.
如果你们是住在KL或PJ, 我将会亲自将货品送到你家, 及教你如何使用.
Otherwise, Products will be delivered to your shipment address. Guideline will be provided through e-mail or phone call.
Shipment Fees is FOC.
否则, 货品将会寄送到你家.我将会通过电邮或打电话教你如何使用.

Thanks so much.

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